The Poison Centre must be notified of every biocidal product to be made available on the market and used in Belgium. The notification must be submitted no later than 48 hours before the product is made available on the market.
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For which products do I need to submit a notification?
The Poison Centre must be provided with sufficient information on all ’hazardous mixtures’ made available on the market and used in Belgium. This is necessary so that users can be assisted promptly and properly in case of accidents. Biocidal products also fall under this regulation, according to the Royal Decree of 21 April 2016. This includes products intended for the general public as well as those for professional use.
In principle, unclassified mixtures do not need to be notified to the Poison Centre, although the government encourages companies to do this.
How do I submit a notification for a biocidal product?
Hazardous products/mixtures have to be notified to the Belgian Poison Centre before being placed on the Belgian market, no matter which kind of company is placing them on the market.
The notification should be done via the ECHA PCN portal, where a single notification can apply for different EU countries if the concerned countries are pointed out in the declaration. The notification modalities are explained here.
A direct notification to the Belgian Poison Centre is also possible for the Belgian market only, for products/mixtures which are not declared via the ECHA PCN Portal. For information on this procedure, please contact the Belgian Poison Centre by phone : +32 2 264 96 36.
You may choose between one of those two systems to notify your products to the Poison Centre. It is not necessary to notify via the two systems for the products placed on the market in Belgium.
Warning: in the case you would submit your notifications through both systems in parallel, you would be charged with the double amount of fee. It is indeed technically compulsory to process the double notifications coming from both systems. It therefore leads to a double work of our team.
UFI identification number
The UFI (unique formula identifier) identification number is a new number required to be placed on the label of hazardous mixtures since 1 January 2021 for new mixtures, and from 2025 onwards, on all hazardous mixtures on the market. This is a unique number per mixture/manufacturer and can be generated via the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website.
This number is useful for reporting hazardous mixtures to the Poison Centre. If you want to place the UFI number on the label of mixtures that were on the market prior to 2021, you may already start doing so. Inform the Poison Centre of this by completing the declaration form with the following information:
- Party responsible for making the product available on the market
- Product name
- UFI code (only one UFI per row of the Excel table)
A UFI number can be added free of charge.
How much do I have to pay?
You pay a one-off fee for each biocidal product notified to the Poison Centre. The payment must be made before the actual notification, according to Art. 9 of the Royal Decree of 13 November 2011.
The payment may be made via bank transfer without a structured payment reference to account number BE26 6792 0042 4329 of the Federal Public Service for Public Health, Food Chain Safety and the Environment (Bank van De Post - Brussels). Besides the company details, the following must also be mentioned:
- ART. 9
- Month and year of notification
- Name of the company responsible for the product made available on the market
- Name of the product(s) concerned
For payments made outside Belgium, you must use the specific banking codes IBAN (BE26 6792 0042 4329) and BIC (PCHQBEBB).