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Asian hornet gaining more attention

The Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) is on the rise in our country. Local authorities are monitoring this species to avoid the damage they can cause to bees. Anyone can help survey this species, but the removal of a nest is best left to professionals! 

An Asian species nesting in western Europe

The Asian hornet, an invasive species from the Far East, is a threat to bees; they can attack hives. This is why local authorities monitor the presence of this species and act against problematic nests. Anyone can help monitor the presence of this species.

How do you recognise the Asian hornet?

Aziatische hoornaar

(c) BlueGinkgo, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

Not all hornets (very large wasps) are a problem: the European hornet is a normal and useful inhabitant of our areas. The websites below explain how to recognise the Asian hornet. If you find a nest, report it through one of these regional sites. These reports are used to monitor populations and are not considered as requests to remove a nest.

Flanders (NL): vespawatch.be/identification/   

Brussels (NL, FR): environnement.brussels/citoyen/lenvironnement-bruxelles/preserver-la-nature-en-ville/problemes-ecologiques-et-sanitaires and waarnemingen.be

Wallonia (FR): biodiversite.wallonie.be/fr/le-frelon-asiatique.html?IDC=59

Removal of nests only by professionals !

The Asian hornet is no more aggressive towards humans than the common wasp or the European hornet. However, its sting is more painful than that of a wasp and can also cause allergic reactions. More information on the risks of stings and how to treat them can be found on the website of the Poison Centre

The presence of a nest near a house is particularly dangerous. Coming too close to a nest can lead to a massive attack by the colony!  Removal of nests is therefore reserved for trained professionals!

There are several ways to trap isolated hornets, among which the use of bait (insect traps).  

Professionals can consult this list (.pdf) with products to fight the Asian hornet.

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