The regulatory status of a product is not always clear. Some products are on the borderline between biocidal products, medicinal products, food supplements, cosmetics, detergents or technical aids and are referred to as ‘borderline products’.
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Biocidal product or not?
To determine the regulatory status of a product, the Belgian government relies on the following European and national guidelines:
- Guidelines for biocidal products/plant protection products
- Guidelines for biocidal products/cosmetics: European CA document (document of the meeting of representatives of Member States Competent Authorities) and Belgian guidelines
- Guidelines for biocidal products/medicinal products for human use
- Guidelines for biocidal products/medicinal products for veterinary use
No guidelines are available for borderline products on the borderline between biocidal products and detergents or medical devices. The regulatory status of such products is determined after consultation with the competent services.
In case of doubt
- Contact our Helpdesk
- Refer to the following European websites: