List of Authorised Biocides
Only biocidal products authorised by the federal government may be made available on the Belgian market. You can find these products in the list of authorised biocidal products. This list also indicates whether or not the biocidal product is a closed-circuit product and for whom it is intended.
Are you unsure whether a biocidal product is a closed-circuit product or whether it is authorised in Belgium?
Since 10 December 2024, the European Commission has adopted new rules on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals.
Report toxicovigilance biocides 2023
At the request of the Biocides Department of the FPS Health, the Poison Centre conducted an analysis of the calls relating to accidental exposures to biocides in Belgium from 2023. Among the 63...
What do you need to know as a professional user of closed-circuit biocidal products? What are your obligations as a seller? General information about the registration obligation and safe use of biocidal products can be found in two convenient leaflets: one for users and one for sellers. Also available : leaflets and information sheets tailored to specific sectors (cleaning, catering, textiles, meat, poultry, wood)
When I work with biocides, I always wear gloves. When there is a risk of splashing, I also wear protective goggles
In the cleaning sector, closed circuit biocides are used on a daily basis – think, for instance, of disinfectants. The products are frequently used and they can pose a risk to human health. In an information sheet, a folder and an article, we explain how you can safely work with closed circuit biocides in a cleaning company and what your obligations are.