Andere offizielle Informationen und Dienste:

Extension of the Review Programme

Article 89(1) of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 determines that the Commission is to carry on with the work programme for the systematic examination of all existing active substances with the aim of completing it by 31 December 2024. However, it has become clear that an extension of the previously set deadline of 31 December 2024 will be necessary; all of the proposals currently put forward would lead to the postponement of the aforementioned deadline by multiple years.

Considering the mere scale of the upcoming renewal/prolongation process, it must be acknowledged that the legally foreseen deadline for submission of renewal/prolongation dossiers will not allow to manage all dossiers and perform all evaluations in due time.

In order to avoid market disruptions whilst at the same time continuing to ensure a high level of protection of human and animal health and the environment, the Belgian Competent Authority calls upon the industry to:

  • thoroughly prepare the dossiers to be submitted for renewals/prolongations;
  • voluntarily submit dossiers for renewals/prolongations earlier than the legal deadline;
  • actively communicate with the dossier manager during the management and evaluation of the renewal/prolongation dossiers.

Renewal/Prolongation dossiers must be submitted via our “Gestautor”-platform

  • By 1st December 2023: all dossiers for renewal/prolongation of products meeting the “NOTIF…”- authorisation number format or having an authorisation number BE-REG-00800 or higher.
  • By 1st March 2024: all dossiers for renewal/prolongation of products meeting the “…B”- authorisation number format or having an authorisation number BE-REG-00799 or lower.

You will find more information about the early submission of the aforementioned renewal/prolongation dossiers here.


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